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Young keeper added

  • Post published:5 May 2020

TEENAGE goalkeeper Jamie Walker is looking to follow in the footsteps of Stranraer’s former shotstoppers.

The 18 year old joined the Blues from Kilmarnock and will be working alongside Eric Philips.

Walker said: “I think, first and foremost, I am looking to get in and do well, impress the coaching staff and get a good few games under my belt and compete.

“Hopefully, I can get as many games as I can when we are back up and running.

“I’ll be learning from Eric, who is an experienced goalkeeping coach with a track record for improving goalkeepers.

“I’m sure working with him that I can do the same.”

Walker was at Rugby Park for nearly five years and trained alongside former Blues loanee Innes Cameron.

Now, the new goalie is looking to gain experience in the first team, with Max Currie and Dale Burgess having departed Stair Park.

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