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Message from the chairman

  • Post published:24 May 2024

The following is a message from club chairman, Iain Dougan

Now that the dust has settled on a weekend that was fraught with danger—the danger that our club would drop out of the SPFL and the foreboding reality that we could be a Lowland League club in season 24/25—we are clear in the knowledge that if that had come to pass, we as a club would have faced an uphill battle to return anytime soon.

Thankfully, our squad stepped up when it mattered most and gave us a memory that will last a long time. However, it is not an occasion we want to replicate next season.

Your committee, custodians of the club in good and bad times, have worked tirelessly over the season at cost-cutting, taking on new workloads and responsibilities, all with the aim of providing Scott with sufficient funds to give him a fighting chance of putting together a competitive squad.

I don’t want to single out any individuals in what is an off-the-park team effort, not just from the committee but also from our increased volunteer workforce, who alone save the club huge amounts.

To local businesses, of whom we have had record numbers—many new, some returning after many years of absence, and those who have been the backbone of the club for many seasons—a huge thank you. I won’t mention anyone individually for fear of missing someone out, but I hope you all feel noticed and rewarded for your involvement with the club.

To our supporters: those who travel near and far, those who through life’s commitments only get to attend occasionally but are there in spirit and support many of the club’s fundraising activities, and those who were there on Saturday for the first time ever or after many years—thank you for your backing. Without all these contributions mentioned above, the club would seriously struggle.

The aim is for a better season ahead and many more years of SPFL participation, keeping the Toon on the football senior map.

Iain Dougan
on behalf of Stranraer FC committee